I cut the red thread after sewing the cloth label onto the towel and exhale. I hold the towel up, fold it in thirds lengthwise, then in half and place on the stack with the other towels. The last label, the last towel. This collection of towels is now finished. I take a moment to […]
Where have all the deipnosophists gone?
I learned a new word recently: deipnosophist. A few Saturdays ago, I was driving to meet my friend Sherri for a latte and turned on the radio, hoping to catch the quiz program Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me on National Public Radio. Instead the word game show Says You was playing. As I listened, a […]
The way becomes clear
This morning Asha and I walked to the bridge over gentle waters. It was sunny and a pleasant 28°. No biting wind. I was in no hurry so instead of returning the way we came, we took a longer route home on a different trail. We first explored this trail in the early spring. I […]
Approach, retreat, bark
One overcast morning I was walking along a trail deep in thought – perhaps about how snow pants make such a difference on cold days like this one – when, up ahead, Asha did a double take and barked. It took me a few seconds to locate what had startled her – a dark mass […]
Bridge over gentle waters
On one of my let’s-see-where-this-trail-goes walks with Asha, we rounded a bend and came to a clearing of sorts with a wooden bridge over a burbling stream. The bridge invites me to pause, to stop. I drop a stick into the deep section of the stream. Asha waits for it to drift close enough that […]