I sit in a circle of women in a cozy cottage on Nantucket, the sound of the ocean in the background. We have flown, driven, ridden the bus, taken the ferry to get here for a writing retreat. We are physically present in the room and our spirits are still arriving. Our retreat leader Jena […]
Bridge over gentle waters
On one of my let’s-see-where-this-trail-goes walks with Asha, we rounded a bend and came to a clearing of sorts with a wooden bridge over a burbling stream. The bridge invites me to pause, to stop. I drop a stick into the deep section of the stream. Asha waits for it to drift close enough that […]
Winter rest
The winter solstice has come and gone, the light is gradually returning and a new year has started. I feel a cultural pressure to usher in the new year with a flurry of activity, revved up with plans and goals. But I want to hibernate. To heed the call of long nights to rest. To […]
Before summer ends …
Like a Wildflower kitchen towels Each season has its particular joys. Before summer ends, I want to make time to … Hang laundry on the clothesline and crawl between clean sheets that smell of sun & wind. Pause to watch the flickering lights of fireflies when I let my dog Codi out before bed. Breathe […]
Pausing for afternoon tea
I Feel the Earth kitchen towels It’s 3:33 pm at my boarding school in the foothills of the Himalayas. The buzzer sounds, signaling the end of the school day and teatime. A time to exhale. A time to pause and regroup. A time to connect with friends and family. So different from lunch with the […]